How to Make the Most of E-learning

7 activities you can adopt to cope with the demands of your school’s e-learning programs

By now, we believe you would have gradually keyed into the e-learning provisions being put in place by your institution. It is indeed a tough shot to call, especially since we all have high tendencies to get carried away while studying from our residences.

E-learning may not be new but it certainly cannot match the interactivity, spontaneity and instant feedback we derive from classroom learning. Also, we understand that you’ll most likely learn more from physical group discussions than other out-of-class learning programs.

Nonetheless, learning must continue. Keeping the mind active, learning and acquiring knowledge are activities students cannot afford to quit doing. Beyond earning a degree and/or certification, continuous learning has immeasurable impacts. These include enrichment of thought patterns, increase in curiosity and motivation. Continuous learning also helps you stay aware of where you are on your career ladder.

So, you should know that schools transitioning into e-learning during these tough times are those who are particularly interested in the progress of their students.­­­

Following our discussions with institutions that have already implemented e-learning for students, here are a few things we’d want you to note.

Attendance is being monitored: Join scheduled classes from your computer at the appropriate time. Your absence from classes may have an impact on your grades.

Refresh your university email account frequently: Your school’s management and lecturers will be sending links and materials to your registered email accounts. Ensure you continue to check your inbox for new mails. You may also want to check the Promotions tab and Spam folders, just so you won’t miss anything.

Examination Dates are yet to be decided: As at now, universities are still monitoring the emergency health crisis and will continue to follow instructions from regulatory bodies. Therefore, new exam dates have not been fixed yet. Keep checking our blog for updates on new examination dates. We’ll share as soon as there is any.

Now is the time to prepare for exams: We may be stuck in our residences at the moment but it is definitely not the end of the world. New measures already in place will bring relief and things will return to normal soon enough. You don’t want to be caught ill-prepared when exams come knocking. So, maximize the little extra time you have after the close of lectures by reading up useful materials for summer examinations.

Below are seven activities you can adopt to cope with the demands of your school’s e-learning programs

  • Sleep early, so you can wake up early.
  • Input the dates and times for your lectures on a calendar. (We recommend Google Calendar for this)
  • Set alarms to 15 minutes before your classes begin. This will help you set up your gadgets and gather other tools you will need.
  • Create a study corner in your room if you don’t have one yet.
  • For best audio quality, use a headset/earphones.
  • If you are currently in a shared apartment, inform your roommate about the time of your classes to avoid distractions.
  • Don’t forget to keep a jotter by your side.

And finally, continue to adopt the safety measures as prescribed by WHO. We care about your academic success but your health is paramount. Stay Safe!
